Unequal fluid in the ears It is a condition in which fluid builds up in the inner ear or there is increased pressure. The exact cause is still unknown. But it is assumed that It may be caused by the build-up of fluid in the inner ear. or narrowing of the waterways ทางเข้า ufabet in the inner ear It makes the circulation uncomfortable. There is less water reabsorption in the inner ear than normal. or caused by allergies
Which water in the ear disease is not the same. It is common between the ages of 30 and 50. Most often, the disorder occurs in one ear. But approximately 20-50 percent of patients have this disease in both ears.
The main treatment is to treat dizziness so that the patient can live a normal life. Doctors will advise patients to avoid salty foods. Get enough rest. and maintain good health
Most patients take medication to relieve dizziness. It will control the symptoms well. However, the use of medicine depends on the symptoms of each patient. Some people just take medicine to relieve dizziness once in a while. But some patients experience dizziness so often that it interferes with their daily life. Daily medication may need to be taken continuously for months or years.
In a small percentage of patients the symptoms are very severe. After taking the medicine, the results were not fully effective. The doctor may consider injecting medication through the eardrum into the eardrum. middle ear to allow the drug to penetrate into the inner ear or use surgical methods
As for tinnitus, hearing is reduced. In the first stage, it usually occurs temporarily, accompanied by dizziness. And hearing will improve when the dizziness disappears. But as the disease progresses further Hearing may not improve to the same level as before, so in the long term there may be permanent hearing impairment in the affected ear.
How to prevent
This is because the exact cause of uneven fluid in the ears is still unknown. Therefore, there is still no way to prevent the disease from occurring. But it is not a serious disease. In general, dizziness tends to pass over a period of time. When you get older