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Butter is high in saturated fat. Though saturated fat may not be linked to a higher risk of heart disease. Replacing it with polyunsaturated fat is associated with a lower risk of cardiovascular events.

High in saturated fat.

Butter contains a good amount of saturated fat, which is a type of fat found in foods including meat and dairy products สมัคร ufabet

In fact, about 63% of the fat in butter is saturated fat. While monounsaturated and polyunsaturated fat make up 26% and 4% of the total fat content, respectively.

Historically, saturated fat was commonly believed to be an unhealthy, artery-clogging form of fat, assumed to harm heart health.

Yet, recent research has found no link between saturated fat intake and increased risk of heart disease or dying from heart disease.

Still, saturated fat should be combined with a variety of other heart-healthy fats as part of a well-rounded diet.

In fact, one review of 15 studies noted that. Partially replacing saturated fat in the diet with polyunsaturated fat was associated with a 27% lower risk of cardiovascular events. Which are incidents that cause damage to your heart.

According to the most recent Dietary Guidelines for Americans. It’s recommended to limit saturated fat intake to less than 10% of your daily calories.

This means that butter can be enjoyed in moderation. But should be paired with other healthy fats from foods like nuts, seeds, olive oil and fatty fish.

What’s more, saturated fats like butter are especially useful for high-heat cooking. As they’re resistant to oxidation and have a high smoke point. This can help prevent the build-up of harmful free radicals when cooking.